Butler 2.1 release

The original member of the Butler family has been updated to version 2.1.
This is an incremental update, but it nonetheless contain some interesting news:
- Updated all underlying libraries to their latest versions, to make sure things are up-to-date with respect to security vulnerabilities etc.
- Fixed various bugs and code quality issues.
- Using Qlik’s official Enigma.js for communication with the Sense associative engine.
- Removed one poorly performing REST endpoint (the one for getting free disk space), in order to ensure Butler works consistently across Linux and Windows.
Other than mentioned above the feature list stays the same, including things like
- Sending messages to Slack instant messaging system
- Start Sense tasks from the load script, or from external/3rd party systems
- Integration with MQTT pub-sub protocol
- Send emails and MQTT messages when Sense reload tasks fail
- Real-time info on how many and what users are currently active on the Sense server(s)
The release is available on GitHub.