Wiring the house, part 3: Planning the 1-wire sensor network
When ordering the needed hardware new possibilities came to mind, as they so often do when you are browsing catalogs of companies selling cool gadgets…
The first version of the 1-wire network will look something like this, possibly with some of the sensors furthest away from the server installed at a later time. Some of these sensors are after all pretty expensive (just the humidity sensor, HIH-4000-001, got it from Digikey, that is attached to the DS2438 AD converter cost around €20). Getting the all the cables in place have also turned out to be a bit tricky, the tubing in the walls back in –65 just weren’t made with cat-6 networks, phone lines and 1-wire networks in mind…

The Linux server will run either temploggerd and owfs (if I can get it to work on the small Bubba Linux server that I am using, so far it compiles ok but doesn’t seem to respond properly to the sensors), or thermd.
I verified thermd runs (it does work as expected but it takes 15-20 seconds or so to update the graphs) on the Bubba server as long as you install the perl runtimes and quite a few Perl packages, but as owfs offers a better client-server approach it would be the preferred solution.